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Statement of condemnation to the solidarity message of MIGRANTE/ILPS to the terrorist actions of Ham

LE October 24, 2023

The National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) condemns the message of solidarity and calls for international support of the CTGs international front organizations Migrante and International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), to justify the terrorist acts orchestrated by HAMAS. It can be recalled that on the 7th of October 2023, HAMAS conducted a deliberate and well-orchestrated attack in the territory of Israel and brutally killed innocent civilians, to include children. The lives of innocent and unarmed civilians should be spared from the brutalities of any conflict. Regrettably, this provocative action of HAMAS has put in danger not only the citizens of Palestine or Israel but the entire Arab region as well. This event claimed 4,000 lives including four (4) of our fellow Filipinos. This expression of support exposes the true colors of the CTGs and their anti-peace sentiments. The CTGs always favored war over peace; the government has extended the hand of peace and reconciliation to them several times but they were too insincere enough to fulfill their commitment. The NTF-ELCAC strongly denounce all acts of terrorism and violence, and stands with the observance of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

While our government and our embassies are working tirelessly to provide the needs, rescue and repatriation of our kababayans into safety; the Migrante/ILPS exploited this turmoil into an avenue to advance their international solidarity works (ISW), prioritizing their political agendas over our OFWs trapped in the conflict-areas. MI-ILPS took advantage of our OFWs anguish and pinpointed the current migrant labor policies of our government as the cause of their sufferings. We express our heartfelt appreciation to our civil servants and the nameless individuals working passionately for the benefit of mankind at these trying times. Deny the terrorist and the CTGs attempts to unleash deceptive lies, fear and hatred amongst our Filipino nationals. To our fellow Filipino Citizens here and abroad, let us support our governments effort, help one another, and strive toward the achievement of peace. Together as a nation we will overcome this challenge and bring our OFWs back home safely.

USec Ernesto C. Torres Jr., Executive Director, National Secretariat, NTF-ELCAC ### PRESS STATEMENT

Released by: Dir. Alexander D. Banatao Directorate for Strategic Communications +63 917 506 0912


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